1 Types of Data Structures
structures are generally classified into two types:
- Primitive
structures: For example integer, real,
character, Boolean. These data types are simple as these cannot be further
- Non-primitive
structures: For example: Arrays, Trees,
Linked List etc. These are complex data types. Based on the arrangement of
data, the primitive structures can be further divided into two types:
linear and non-linear data structure.
Linear data structure: In linear data structure, the data is arranged in linear fashion or sequential order. Some of the examples are arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues.
Non-linear data structure: In non-linear data structure, the data is not arranged in sequence. Some of the examples are trees, graph.
2 Data Structure Operations
The data stored in data structure is
accessed by means of operations. The choice of selecting data structure for
particular situation depends upon the frequency operation. Some of the
frequently used operations are:
- Insertion: Adding
a new record in the data structure.
- Deletion: Remove
a record from the data structure.
- Traverse: Accessing
each record in the data structure exactly once.
- Search: Searching
refers to the process of finding the location of record with given key
value or finding the locations of all records which satisfy one or more
- Sorting: Sorting
means arranging the records in some pattern.
- Merging: Merging
means combining the records of two different sorted files into a single
sorted file
Linked List
Linked lists are special list of some data elements
linked to one another. A single linked list or one way list is a linear
collection of data elements, called nodes. Each node has two parts. First part
is INFO part which stores the information and another part is POINTER which
points to the next elements.
List Example:
1. Linked
lists are dynamic data structures , i.e., they can grow or shrink during
the execution of a program.
2. Efficient
memory utilization. Here, memory is not pre- allocated . Memory is
allocated whenever it is required. And deallocated when it is no longer needed.
3. Insertion
and deletions are easier and efficient. Linked lists provide flexibility in
inserting a data item at specified position and deletion of data item from the
given position.
As per the definition linked list is a non
sequential collection of data items called nodes. These nodes in principle are
structures containing fields. Each node in a linked list has basically two
1. Data field
2. Link field
Data field:
It contain an actual value to be store and processed.
Link field :
The link field contains the address of the next data item in the linked list.
The address used to access a particular node is known as a pointer.
Null Pointer:
The link field of the last node contains the NULL rather than a valid address.
It indicate the end of the list.
Pointer: It is a pointer to very first node in the linked list. It enable us to
access entire node in the linked list.
A linked list is represented by a
pointer to the first node of the linked list. The first node is called the
head. If the linked list is empty, then the value of the head is NULL.
In C, we can represent a node
using structures. Below is an example of a linked list node with integer data.
Node* next;
Example Program :
Node {
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Node NODE
NODE * head = NULL;
NODE * second = NULL;
NODE * third = NULL;
// allocate 3 nodes
head = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
second = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
third = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
head->data = 1; // assign data in
first node
head->next = second; // Link
first node with
// the second node
second->data = 2;
second->next = third;
third->data = 3; // assign data
to third node
third->next = NULL;
return 0;
Note that only head is sufficient
to represent the whole list. We can traverse the complete list
by following next pointers
3. Operations on Linked List
following are the basic operations to be performed on linked list
Ø Creation
Ø Insertion
Ø Deletion
Ø Traversing
Ø Searching
Ø Concatenation
This operation is used to create linked list . Here the constituent node is
cfeated as and when it is require and linked to the list.
This operation is used to insert the new node in the linked list at specified
position. A new node may be inserted at the beginning of the linked list, or at
the end of the linked list, or at the specified position of the linked list. If
the linked list is empty the inserted node as the first node of the list.
This operation is used to delete node
from the linked list. a node may be deleted from the at the beginning of the
linked list, or at the end of the linked list, or at the specified position of
the linked list.
It is a process of going through all nodes of a linked list from one end to
another end. if we start traversing from first node towards the last node it is called forward traversing.
is process of finding the item or element in the linked list.
is a process of appending the second list at the end of the first list.
1.12 Types of linked list
Linked list are represent in four basic types, they
are as follows
Ø Singly-linked
Ø Doubly
linked list
Ø Circular
linked list
Ø Circular
doubly linked list
A single linked list or one way list is a linear collection of
data elements, called nodes. Each node has two parts. First part is INFO part
which stores the information and another part is POINTER which points to the
next elements. The drawback of the
single linked list is that it cannot access the predecessor of the node from
the current node. This can ovrcome in doubly linked list.
Inserting nodes To insert nodes into inked list , insert an
element into the following three things should be done
Allocating node B.
Assigning the data C.
Adjusting the pointers
To insert the new node into the
linked list has the following three instances
1. A new node
may be inserted at the beginning of the linked list.
2. Insert node
at the end of the linked list
3. insert node
at specified position of the linked list.
A linked list is a data structure which can change during
Successive elements are connected by pointers. in a linked list last element points to NULL.
--> It can grow or shrink in size during execution of a program.
--> It can be made just as long as required.
--> It does not waste memory space.
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