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Monday, 26 June 2023

Single Linked List Insertion & Deletion Operations

 A single linked list or one way list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes. Each node has two parts. First part is INFO part which stores the information and another part is POINTER which points to the next elements. The drawback  of the single linked list is that it cannot access the predecessor of the node from the current node. This can overcome in doubly linked list.

Inserting nodes  To insert nodes into inked list , insert an element into the following three things should be done

A. Allocating node                

B. Assigning the data

C. Adjusting the pointers

o insert the new node into the linked list has the following three instances

1. A new node may be inserted at the beginning of the linked list.

2. Insert node at the end of the linked list

3. insert node at specified position of the linked list.

Inserting at the Beginning of a List:

Algorithm: Insert at beginning


This algorithm inserts ITEM as the first node in the list

Step 1: [OVERFLOW ?] If  ptr  =NULL, then



Step 2: ptr =(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)

Step 3: Set ptr-> data=ITEM [Copies new data into new node]

Step 4: Set = START

[New node now points to original first node]

Step 5: Set START:=NEW [Changes START so it points to new node]

Step 6: Return

Pseudo-code for insertion

void insertatbegining()  


    NODE *ptr;  

    int item;  

    ptr = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));  

    if(ptr == NULL)  






        printf("\nEnter value\n");    


        ptr->data = item;  

         ptr->next = start;  

        start = ptr;  

        printf("\nNode inserted");  



Insert node at end of the list



This algorithm inserts ITEM as the end of  node in the list

Step 1: [OVERFLOW ?] If  ptr  =NULL, then



Step 2: ptr =(NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)

Step 3: Set ptr-> data=ITEM [Copies new data into new node]

Step 4: Set = Null

[New node now points to original first node]

Step 5: if START:=Null then set START= ptr

Step 6: Set temp = Start

Step7: Repeat step 8 until temp -> next != Null

step 8: set temp=temp->next

Step 9: set temp -> next= ptr

Step 10: Return

Sample code /Pseudo code

void insertatend()  


    NODE *ptr,*temp;  

    int item;     

    ptr = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE));      

        printf("\nEnter value?\n");  


        ptr->data = item;

             if(start == NULL)  


            ptr -> next = NULL;  

            start = ptr;  

            printf("\nNode inserted");  




            temp = start;  

            while (temp -> next != NULL)  


                temp = temp -> next;  


            temp->next = ptr;  

            ptr->next = NULL;  

            printf("\nNode inserted");  



Deleting a node

This operation is  used to delete node from the linked list. a node may be deleted from the at the beginning of the linked list, or at the end of the linked list, or at the specified position of the linked list.

in order to delete node from linked list , it is necessary to search for the location of deletion. The following steps  involved in deleting the node from the linked list.

1. If the linked list is empty then display the message as "Deletion is not possible".

2. If  the node to be deleted is the first node (pointed by the head or start pointer)then set the pointer of head /start to point the second node in the list

3. If the node to be deleted is last node, then go on locating the last but one node and set link field to point to null pointer.

4. If the situation is other than the above three , then the delete the node from the specified position within the linked list.





Deletion at beginning

It involves deletion of a node from the beginning of the list. This is the simplest operation among all. It just need a few adjustments in the node pointers.


Deletion at the end of the list

It involves deleting the last node of the list. The list can either be empty or full. Different logic is implemented for the different scenarios.


Deletion after specified node

It involves deleting the node after the specified node in the list. we need to skip the desired number of nodes to reach the node after which the node will be deleted. This requires traversing through the list.

Delete node at beginning

Delete-at-beginning  (START)

This algorithm deletes element from the first position in the linked list

Step 1: [OVERFLOW ?] If  start  =Null, then

Write: OVERFLOW - Linked List is Empty


Step 2: Set ptr = Start

Step 3: Set start=

Step 4: Print the element deleted as ptr->data

Step 5:free(ptr)

Pseudo-code for Deletion at starting

void delete_at_begining()  


    NODE *ptr;  

    int item;  

    ptr = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));  

    if(ptr == NULL)  


        printf("\nOVERFLOW List is Empty");  




         ptr = start;  

        start = ptr->next;  


        printf("\nNode deleted from the begining ...\n");  



Delete node at End


Delete-at-end  (START)

This algorithm deletes element from the last position in the linked list

Step 1: [OVERFLOW ?] If  start  =Null, then

Write: OVERFLOW - Linked List is Empty


Step 2: Set ptr = Start

Step 3: while ptr->next != Null

Step 4: Set ptr=ptr->next

Step 5:Set ptr->next=Null

Step 6:free(ptr)

Pseudo-code for Deletion at ending

void delete_at_begining()  


    NODE *ptr;  

    int item;  

    ptr = (NODE *) malloc(sizeof(NODE));  

    if(ptr == NULL)  


        printf("\nOVERFLOW List is Empty");  




 ptr =start;   

        while(ptr->next != NULL)  


            ptr1 = ptr;  

            ptr = ptr ->next;  


        ptr1->next = NULL;  

        free(ptr);    }  


Delete Node at specified position


Delete-at-end  (START)

This algorithm deletes element from the last position in the linked list

Step 1: [OVERFLOW ?] If  start  =Null, then

Write: OVERFLOW - Linked List is Empty


Step 2: Set ptr = Start

Step 3: Find the location to delete node

Step 4: Repeat Step 5& 6 until specified loc 

Step 5: Set ptr1=ptr

 Step 6:Set ptr= ptr->next

Step 7: Set ptr1->next= ptr->next

Step 8:free(ptr)


void random_delete()  


    struct node *ptr,*ptr1;  

    int loc,i;    

    printf("\n Enter the location of the node after which you want to perform deletion \n");  





        ptr1 = ptr;       

        ptr = ptr->next;  


        if(ptr == NULL)  


            printf("\nCan't delete");  




    ptr1 ->next = ptr ->next;  


    printf("\nDeleted node %d ",loc+1);  



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